
Frequently asked questions

The map shown indicates approximate shipping time from our Dayton Ohio plant using UPS standard ground shipping within the United States. Saturdays and Sundays are not included as shipping business days. Warm weather may require the shipping method to be upgraded to ensure the product arrives in optimal condition. Orders placed after 12:00pm on Wednesday may be held until the following Monday to prevent product from sitting in a warm warehouse over the weekend.

Due to labor and supply constraints there is no guaranteed ship or delivery date once your order is placed.

Since Esther Price chocolates are perishable and fragile, special care is required when shipping your order. When shipping during the warm weather season, dry ice must be used to ensure the integrity of the product. Since dry ice is only viable for up to 48 hours, any state with ground shipping outside of that timeframe must be shipped 2day or next day air.  Orders placed after 12:00pm Wednesday will not ship until the following Monday. 

Due to labor and supply constraints there is no guaranteed ship or delivery date once your order is placed.

You can easily ship to more than one address with our "Multi-Address Shipping" feature. Simply select the button in the cart and you can add a unique address to each item.

Please note that each address counts as a unique order and will get its own shipping charge.

Currently, you cannot place an order to ship to a PO Box via our website. Please call customer service at 1-855-3-ESTHER to order if you need it shipped to a PO Box.